





Gunther Roland






Atomic theory(Gunther M Roland)Referring materials:Textbooks:The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics (R. Cahn, G. Goldhaber)Subatomic Physics (E. Henley, A. Garcia)Introduction to High Energy Physics (D. Perkins)Review articles:Concepts of Heavy-Ion Physics (U. Heinz) https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0407360v1Quark-Gluon Matter (D. d'Enterria) https://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/0611012Software:Any introduction to basic programming and C++ROOT analysis software (including tutorials etc) https://root.cern.chResearch method:Atomic theory, the notion that matter consists of indivisible smallest particles, datesback several thousand years. Only in the early 20th century technological, theoretical and experimental advances started to allow a systematic investigationof the nature of atomic and subatomic particles, leading to our current model of thefundamental interactions of nature - the Standard Model. In this course we willdiscuss the experimental foundations of our modern understanding of themicroscopic nature of matter. This will include basic concepts of particleaccelerators and particle detectors, as well as discussion of selected seminalexperiments in subatomic physics. Particular emphasis will be placed on thephenomenology of the strong interaction and the understanding of matter at thehighest densities and temperatures, the quark-gluon plasma. The lectures will becomplemented by student work related to two research proposals, with studentreports on original research papers and student analyses of open data provided byexperiments at the CERN LHC accelerator. The student work will be guided bylectures and discussion on scientific communication (papers and presentations)and principles of scientific data analysis. Research proposal one:In groups of two the students will prepare reports on original scientific papers thatadvanced our understanding of subatomic physics, including discussion oftheoretical concepts, experimental methods and main results. The reports will bepresented in short presentations. To guide the preparation of the presentations, lectures on scientific communication will be presented and example presentationswill be discussed. Research proposal two:In small groups the students will reproduce recent experimental analyses of datafrom the CERN LHC experiments, using publicly accessible open data and thepublic domain ROOT analysis framework. The work will be guided by introductorylectures on C++, ROOT and scientific data analysis, including the estimation ofstatistical and systematic uncertainties. The analysis results will be presented inshort papers, guided by lectures on written scientific communication.

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