-Oogway: My old friend,the panda will never fulfill his destiny nor you yours,until you let go of the illusion of control.
-Master: Illusion?
-Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree. Shifu.I cannot make it blossom when it suits me,nor make it bear fruit before its time.
-Master: But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall.And I can control where to plant the seed.That is no illusion, Master.
-Oogway: Yes.But no matter what you do,that seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an apple or an orange but you will get a peach.
-Master: But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!
-Oogway: Maybe it can.If you are willing to guide it.To nurture it.To believe in it.
-Master: But how? How?I need your help, Master. -Oogway: No, you just need to believe.Promise me, Shifu.Promise me you will believe.
乌龟大师:不需要,你只需要相信。答应我,师傅。答应我你会相信。《神偷奶爸2》(英语:Despicable Me 2)是一部2013年上映的3D电脑动画电影。该影片由照明娱乐公司制作并由环球影片公司发行,是2010年电影《卑鄙的我》的续集。电影由皮艾尔?柯芬与克里斯?雷纳德导演,辛柯?保罗与肯?多利欧编剧。影片在上映后受到了观众的欢迎,并且连续两周成为美国票房榜首位。
1. I just need to get some things off my plate before we start taking over the world, that's all. 只不过在我们开始征服世界前,我得先把一些事情处理完。
2. You never know what kind of booby traps this guy could have set. 你永远猜不到这家伙可能会设下什么样的陷阱。
3. Hold the horses. 稍等一下/慢着。
4. But not me. I stepped up. 但我愿意,我毛遂自荐的。
5. Go about your business. 回去干活吧。
6. Well, it seems that because of your checkered past, everyone else refused to work with you. 好像是由于你背景复杂,所以没人愿你和你共事。
7. Let us give you the proper send-off. 那就让我们为你隆重送别吧。
8. Yeah, well, she is a nut job, and I'm not going on any date. 是的,不过她的脑袋有点不正常,而且我才不会去相亲。
9. Are you out of your gourd? 你疯了吗?
10. The kid gives me the creeps! 那孩子让我毛骨悚然!
11. Wow, looks like your date's out for the count. 哇,你的约会对象好像不省人事了呢。
12. I was thinking you two could get some grub. 我觉得你们俩可以出去吃个饭。