

2014-08-26 阅读:446 来源:厦门优励英语学校


♦ 亲子英语启蒙课程(0-4岁)

- 资深外教采用风靡全球的CLIL教学法授课,让小朋友在一起玩耍的过程中,轻松的掌握英语!

  At LEAD, we follow the widely popular education method, CLIL. We let the children learn through play, and make English learning easier for them.

- 针对现阶段孩子的特点,家长可以参加课堂,让孩子更好的与外教互动,与孩子们一起学习,一起成长。

  In keeping with the personality of children of this age, parents can join their children’s classes, helping the children have a better interaction with foreign teachers. You and your children can learn together, and develop together.


♦ 半日社交课程(2-4岁)

- 资深外教采用风靡全球的CLIL教学法授课,让小朋友在一起玩耍的过程中,轻松的掌握语言!

   Utilizing the widely popular education method, CLIL, ULEAD lets the children learn through play, and makes English learning easier.

- 专业的中文老师,采用蒙台梭利教学法启发孩子的无限想象力,针对性的开发孩子的八大智能。

  With the Montessori teaching method, our Professional Chinese teacher will inspire our children’s imagination, and develop their eight capacities according to their characteristics.

- 不同生活背景的孩子融入一个大家庭,小小社会锻炼孩子独立、自理、自立、合作的生存技能。孩子在与同伴一起成长时是最快乐的。孩子在快乐的时候才能获取最多的信息。

  At ULEAD, Children from different family backgrounds come and form a big family. Our little society can help them become more independent, organized, self-sufficient, and cooperative. Children’s happiest time is when they are playing and making progress with their friends. Once they are happy, they can gain more information and learn better.

- 专业的育婴师从喂养,智力,情商等各个方面点点滴滴呵护每个孩子。

  Our professional teachers will take special care for every child with different requirements, such as feeding, IQ, EQ, and so on.


♦ 少儿英语全能课程(3-7岁)

- 资深外教采用风靡全球的CLIL教学法授课,让小朋友在一起玩耍的过程中,轻松的掌握英语!

  Combining the widely popular education method, CLIL, ULEAD let the children inspires learning through play, and making English easier for children.

- 强大的师资团队根据孩子不同年龄段制定相应的课程,有针对性的开发孩子的八大智能。

  On the basis of differing age groups, our professional teachers design targeted courses, focusing on developing the eight capacities of children.


♦ 美国小学同步课程(7-12岁)

- 资深外教采用风靡全球的CLIL教学法教授美国小学同步课程;

   By means of the widely popular education method, CLIL, our professional foreign teachers design classes to make them just like American schools.

- 专业的中文老师辅导学校课业,让孩子赢在起跑线上。有针对性的提高课程语言点、词组、句型等英语语法;

  Utilizing key vocabulary, phrases, sentence patterns, and English grammar, our professional Chinese teachers will help our children with their homework, and help them win from the start.

- 特色小班制,每班6至8人,保证每个孩子和外教的近距离沟通。

  Small-classes-system. each class is limited to 6-8 children at most,ensuring every child has the opportunity to communicate with our foreign teachers.


♦ Course Info英文舞蹈课课程简况:

- Age Group学员年龄 4岁及以上

- Class Size每班学员人数 上限10人(4名学员即可开班)

- Gender of Students学员性别 不限

- Foreign Teacher授课外教 梅根(女)

- Teaching Hours Per Level每级别课时 12课时

- Increase personal outlook and build self esteem


-Express emotions or explain a story/song through dancing


-Encourage teamwork to perform as a group


-Improve concentration & self discipline


-The most important of all, everything is achieved in English!


♦ Course Info英文戏剧课课程简况:

-Target Student Age Group学员年龄 4岁及以上

-Class Size每班学员人数 12-14人

-Gender of Students学员性别 不限

-Foreign Teacher授课外教 Hal老师

-Chinese Teachers授课中教 Earine 老师,Janet老师

-Duration of the Per Level每级别用时 12周

-Teaching Hours Per Level每级别课时 18课时

Our Children English Drama Course builds......

- 我们的儿童英文戏剧课可以提高孩子的……

Acting skills表演技巧

Creative thinking思辨能力

Speaking skills 口语表达能力

Confidence 自信心

Leadership abilities 领导才能

Self-esteem 自尊心

♦ U-READY Program “优——预备”课程

Academic Preparations for Higher Education Abroad


  Nowadays, many Chinese young people decide to continue their higher education abroad, but they don't know how to prepare for the college study by themselves. There are many obstacles lying ahead of them. At the beginning, in a foreign university, they cannot catch every word in lectures, write essays that meet requirement and bridge the cultural gap. Therefore, we create a special training class catering to these young people who are ready to go abroad and those who are thinking to go.

  In this intensified and individualized training course, we intend to assist the students as much as we can from both academic and realistic approaches.




♦ U-Talk “优——脱口说”

U•LEAD Adult Course Offering

(1)About the Program 课程描述

  This course is designed for teens and adults aged 18 to 60 and focused on English language communication. The objective is to teach oral English in a way of native language learning without interference of mother language; and the goal is to enhance fundamental communication between individuals. There are currently three levels which we are called Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced.


(2)Erudition 教学模式

  This course will use a text called, “Ideas and Issues”. This course focuses on verbal and oral communications. Class periods will be divided into equal parts listening and speaking. Students will be challenged to think and work by themselves to present their “ideas” about selected “issues”. Students will also become more accustomed to listening and speaking to native speakers of English, as well as other ESL speakers. Students will also be required to complete various tasks as “homework”. The course will be taught by our team of highly qualified native English speakers. The Conversation Club is going to have a number of topics arranged in a weekly basis. The students shall have their chances to express their own ideas in English which is moderated by ULEAD foreign teachers.

  本课程以原版教材《Ideas and Issues》为主线,涉及生活工作各领域话题,侧重提高学生的英文听说水平。课堂上学生将学会用英语自然的思维,并能够使用英语针对特定的话题展开自如交流。课程中学生还将接受英文语音听说训练,以便今后不仅能听懂本土人士的英文,还能适应其他地方人群的英语语音。学生还将以各种形式完成“作业”,让英文彻底融入到自己的日常生活中。本课程全程由经验丰富的英文母语外教授课。本课程配套每周一次主题型 “口语俱乐部”活动,由优励资深外教主持,涵盖大量话题,帮助学生将课堂所学应用于真实的沟通中。









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