朗读快线,引经据典,语音语调,持续练习,课上课下,配合巩固,洋腔洋调,轻松拥有 表音密码,科学方法,易于理解,悉心教授,海量练习,单词任读,无往不利,攻破障碍 词义识记,短语矩阵,句子消化,反复练习,重在积累,原创设计,源于实践,持之以恒 九九句法,九九口诀,牢记于心,时态句式,综合演练,情景再现,厚积薄发,熟练表达 通过教材的独特设计,和有针对性的练习,让学生通过三期课程的学习,从单词,到短语,再到句子,更后到篇章,依次通关 表音密码,切分单词,易于掌握partic ular→par ti cu lar →词义识记,根据单词,积累短语a particular day 词义识记,联系短语,句子消化器
It is a particular day. →Is it a particular day? →Yes, it is a particular day. →No, it isn't a particular day.→Why is it a particular day? → Isn't it a particular day? 九九句法,篇章引申,地道表达 It was a particular day yeasterday. I went to the Great Wall with my friend, Bob. We went there by bus without our parents in the morning. We decided to climb the Great Wall at one go. But the wall is really long. We had to have a picnic at noon in order to have a rest. We finally got to the end at 3:30 pm. How amazing the Great Wall is! Although we were extremely tired. We still love the journey. Because it is particular.