课程名称: 少儿民族舞
可以通过学习民族舞可以使孩子了解不同地区、国家、民族的民间舞蹈以及各民族风俗习惯、生活方式、民族性格、文化传统、宗教信仰等文化。民族舞有较强趣味性 可以培养少儿的情趣和节奏感及表现力。更能充分的培养舞者气质, 让人心情愉悦。
1、会员需提前2天预约课程; 如取消预约请在课程开始前2小时告知。Members should make reservation two days earlier to class time; Due to some personal reasons, please make the cancellation 2 hours prior to class time。
2、新会员提早20分钟. 如果开课前5分钟还未到本中心,您的预约将会自动取消,我们将给正在等侯中的客人。In order to guarantee enough check-in time, New members 20 minutes .If you do not arrive 5 minutes before the reservation, we will pass your spot to the people in the waiting
list. Thank you for your understanding。
3、上课前手机务必关机或者静音,谢谢合作!Please make sure all the cell phones have been switched off or silenced, Thank you for your cooperation!