引言:申请美国的很多专业,都会要求考GRE的专项考试,心理学也不例外。如果没有考GRE 心理学SUB,我们还可以申请到TOP50的好学校吗?SUB是申请美国心理学牛校必须的考试吗?本期我将给大家介绍美国大学TOP50中,心理学专业对SUB的要求。
美国TOP50大学,心理学对GRE subject test in Psychology要求
GRE subject test in Psychology是心理学的一个专项考试,是考核申请者专业知识掌握程度的一个测试。美国有些大学心理学系会对这个考试有硬性要求,但是,申请美国心理学牛校都必要有这个成绩吗?没有这个成就不能申请到牛校?其实不是这样的。TOP50中的很多牛校并没有做出硬性要求。下面我们来看几个心理学牛校对SUB的要求是怎样的,学校的原话是怎么说的。
1、Stanford University
GRE subject test in Psychology is not required. Many students submit their GRE Subject test scores to demonstrate knowledge of the field. We encourage those who have taken the exam to submit their scores.
2、Columbia University
Take the GRE (the General Test is required, and the Subject Test is strongly recommended)
3、Yale University
An official record of Verbal and Quantitative scores on the GRE Aptitude Test is required as part of the application [NOTE: the GRE Subject Test is not required]
4、University of Minnesota--Twin Cities
GRE Record Examination—Subject Test in Psychology Scores
The following programs strongly recommend that you submit GRE Psychology Test scores: Clinical Science, Counseling, and Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavior Genetics. Follow the same procedures listed above for submitting the GRE General Test scores.
06年被录取者GPA在3.50-3.74范围内17名,在3.75-4.00范围内27名。GRE:V Q在1200-1299范围内仅4名,1300-1399范围内9名,1400以上18名。
5、University of Wisconsin-Madison
The department strongly recommends that applicants also take the Psychology Subject Test of the GRE, or the subject test of the GRE that is closest to the student's undergraduate major.
2000-2003被录取者平均成绩基本在,GPA:3.70 GRE V:640 Q:715。
6、University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Test scores on Graduate Record Examinations (subject test is recommended not required)
以往平均录取的申请者GPA:3.74、GRE V:624 Q:717、TOEFL:607。
Psychology Rank/School Average reputation score(5 = highest)
Stanford University (CA) 4.7
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.6
Univ. of Minnesota--Twin Cities (Inst. of Child Development) 4.4
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 4.4
Yale University (CT) 4.4
Harvard University (MA) 4.3
University of California--Berkeley 4.3
University of California--Los Angeles 4.3
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.2
Columbia University (NY) 4.1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 4.1
Princeton University (NJ) 4.1
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 4.1
Cornell University (NY) 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
Indiana University--Bloomington 3.9
Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
University of California--San Diego 3.9
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.9
University of Texas--Austin 3.9
University of Virginia 3.9
University of Washington 3.9
Duke University (NC) 3.8
Harvard University (Programs in Human Development and Psych.) (MA) 3.8
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8
Ohio State University--Columbus 3.8
Univ. of California--Irvine (Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior) 3.8
Univ. of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Combined Program in Ed. and Psych.) 3.8
Brown University (RI) 3.7
Cornell University (Dept. of Human Development) (NY) 3.7
Indiana University--Bloomington (Cognitive Science Program) 3.7
New York University 3.7
Penn State Univ.--University Park (Program in Human Development & Family Studies) 3.7
Stanford University (Psych. Studies in Education) (CA) 3.7
University of California--Irvine (Cognitive Sci. Dept.) 3.7
University of Chicago 3.7
University of Colorado--Boulder 3.7
Carnegie Mellon University (Grad. School of Industrial Admin.) (PA) 3.6
Penn State University--University Park 3.6
U. of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign (Dept. of Ed. Psych.) 3.6
Vanderbilt University (Peabody) (TN) 3.6
Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.6
Washington University in St. Louis 3.6
Arizona State University 3.5
Duke University (Dept. of Experimental Psych.) (NC) 3.5
Univ. of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Organizational Behavior & Human Resources) 3.5
University of Arizona 3.5
University of California--Berkeley (School of Education) 3.5
University of Iowa 3.5
University of Massachusetts--Amherst 3.5
University of Oregon 3.5
University of Pittsburgh--Main Campus 3.5
Purdue University--West Lafayette (IN) 3.4
Rutgers State University--New Brunswick (NJ) 3.4
Univ. of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign (Human and Community Development) 3.4
University of California--Irvine (Psych. & Social Behavior Dept.) 3.4
University of California--Santa Barbara 3.4
University of Chicago (Educational and Developmental Psych.) 3.4
University of Maryland--College Park 3.4
Dartmouth College (NH) 3.3
Emory University (GA) 3.3
Michigan State University 3.3Psychology Rank/School Average reputation score(5 = highest)
1. Stanford University (CA) 4.7
2. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4.6
3. Univ. of Minnesota--Twin Cities (Inst. of Child Development) 4.4
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 4.4
Yale University (CT) 4.4
Harvard University (MA) 4.3
University of California--Berkeley 4.3
University of California--Los Angeles 4.3
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
University of Wisconsin--Madison 4.2
Columbia University (NY) 4.1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences) 4.1
Princeton University (NJ) 4.1
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 4.1
Cornell University (NY) 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
Indiana University--Bloomington 3.9
Northwestern University (IL) 3.9
University of California--San Diego 3.9
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 3.9
University of Texas--Austin 3.9
University of Virginia 3.9
University of Washington 3.9
Duke University (NC) 3.8
Harvard University (Programs in Human Development and Psych.) (MA) 3.8
Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8
Ohio State University--Columbus 3.8
Univ. of California--Irvine (Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior) 3.8
Univ. of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Combined Program in Ed. and Psych.) 3.8
Brown University (RI) 3.7
Cornell University (Dept. of Human Development) (NY) 3.7
Indiana University--Bloomington (Cognitive Science Program) 3.7
New York University 3.7
Penn State Univ.--University Park (Program in Human Development & Family Studies) 3.7
Stanford University (Psych. Studies in Education) (CA) 3.7
University of California--Irvine (Cognitive Sci. Dept.) 3.7
University of Chicago 3.7
University of Colorado--Boulder 3.7
Carnegie Mellon University (Grad. School of Industrial Admin.) (PA) 3.6
Penn State University--University Park 3.6
U. of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign (Dept. of Ed. Psych.) 3.6
Vanderbilt University (Peabody) (TN) 3.6
Vanderbilt University (TN) 3.6
Washington University in St. Louis 3.6
Arizona State University 3.5
Duke University (Dept. of Experimental Psych.) (NC) 3.5
Univ. of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Organizational Behavior & Human Resources) 3.5
University of Arizona 3.5
University of California--Berkeley (School of Education) 3.5
University of Iowa 3.5
University of Massachusetts--Amherst 3.5
University of Oregon 3.5
University of Pittsburgh--Main Campus 3.5
Purdue University--West Lafayette (IN) 3.4
Rutgers State University--New Brunswick (NJ) 3.4
Univ. of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign (Human and Community Development) 3.4
University of California--Irvine (Psych. & Social Behavior Dept.) 3.4
University of California--Santa Barbara 3.4
University of Chicago (Educational and Developmental Psych.) 3.4
University of Maryland--College Park 3.4
Dartmouth College (NH) 3.3
Emory University (GA) 3.3
Michigan State University 3.3